New Features!! (3rd devlog)

Hello and welcome to our 3rd devlog!!

We have been working on the user interface, so we added a title menu and a pause menu, which can be seen in the images below.

We also gave a new ability to the player, dashing. This new feature will be useful for grabbing bullets and dodging obstacles, we also want to use it to fight against the enemies in future updates. >:) 

Here we have a display of the dash

And finally, we also started working on the enemies and bullet paterns. At the moment we only have one enemy which appears from the top, makes a ring of bullets that go towards him and then leaves through the bottom, the idea of this enemy is to give the player a chance to push/kill it and recive the bullets for healing.

Enemy v1.0 (we still need to fix it's position)

That's all for this time! we are going to keep going so we can make a good game :)

Get Inverse bullet hell

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